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Candeeiro Origami é uma iluminação usada frequentemente nos edifícios que são desenhados pelo nosso escritório atualmente. Tornou-se muito conhecido e, mesmo antes de falar sobre tipo de candeeiro, um cliente avisou nós como "Não vais colocar o candeeiro Origami na minha casa, certo?"
No entanto, o Candeeiro Origami levou muito tempo para ser realizado. A primeira ideia surgiu há 7 anos, em 2012. Dobrando papel branco, de tamanho A4 para impressora, tentei criar um candeeiro simples e económico que não cria nenhum conflito com o nosso estilo de arquitetura. No início, foi projetado com uma folha de diferentes core na frente e verso, tal como papel dobrável japonês, Origami. No entanto, os clientes não mostraram nenhum interesse na altura e demorou muito tempo a ser concretizado. (para continuar) Origami Lamp is a standard illumination in the buildings which are design in our office now. It became very popular and even before starting design, the customers warm us like “Don’t you fill my house with full of your Origami lamp, right?” However, Origami lamp took very long time to be realised. The first idea came out at 7 years ago, in 2012. Folding A4 size white paper for printer, I tried to create a simple and economical lamp that doesn’t make any conflict with architectural design. In the beginning, it was design with sheet that has different colour in front and back like Japanese folding paper, Origami. However, clients didn’t show any interest and it has taken long time to be realized. (To be continued)
Photo:Juan Lois Bocos 今では事務所で設計する建物の定番となったオリガミランプ。お客さんにも設計前から「ウチをオリガミランプだらけにするんじゃないだろうな」と釘を刺されるまで有名になりました。 そのオリガミランプも、実現まで長い道のりがありました。まず最初の構想は7年前の2012年にさかのぼります。建築デザインとかち合わないシンプルで安価な間接照明を目指して、近くにあったA4のコピー用紙を織って考えました。最初はその名の通り、表と裏で色が違うまさに折り紙そのままのランプをつくることを考えていました。 しかし、お客さんには見向きもされずそのアイデアは日の目を見るまでの長い月日を待つことになります。 (つづく)
Portugal has good weather. The day when we have to stay in house is rainy day. We though the house where we can enjoy when it is rain. The house has open space with softly separated space under umbrella shape ceiling. Here we can have our own space with feeling the other member of family. We made protection with string figure shape (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/String_figure). Keeping distance of each string for children not to fall down, we reduced impact of dencity with using two different strings. It's almost done.
完成間近のトリーニャのアパートメント。既存のオークの梁とメゾネットをつなぐ、あやとり風の手すりを製作しています。 子供が落ちないように紐の間隔を狭めつつも、密度感を減らすために2本の太さの異なる紐を使っています。 ほぼ完成です。
After staying for 13 years and opening my own practice for 5 years, I decided to start blog. Thank you for your supports!
Author伊藤 廉 Archives
July 2023
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